This has been translated from the original Dutch article “Sparvöga: Solo succes voor Marie.”

The theme from the Swedish TV series “Sparvöga” was liked so much by the Swedish TV audience that it was released on single. It became a big hit. It was sung by our own Marie.

Marie also wrote the lyrics and music. Together with Ander Herrlin and Per Andersson, she did the production and arrangement.

Below is the cover produced by Kjell Andersson.

Theme of T.V. series Sparvöga
Text and music: Marie Frederiksson
C. EMI Svenska AB

The music was made by the following musicians

  • Micke Anderson / Hi-Hat
  • Per Anderson / Keyboards
  • Marie Fredriksson / Keyboards and Vocals
  • Anders Herrlin / Bass and Keyboards
  • Torbjörn Stener / Guitar